Output Management
The secure and cost-effective way to manage all your printed content.
Why Output Management
Digital Designs’ output management solution provides a secure, cost-effective option for managing your printed content. It structures the unmanaged information needed to make documents more understandable, presentable, and even machine readable.

Our Advanced Cloud or On-Premises Platforms Empower You.
- Create beautiful forms overlaid with your data.
- Add barcodes from key fields.
- Add POSTNET barcodes.
- Present hotel folios in a professional manner.
How does it work?
Your important documents are imported via multiple channels including scanning, file imports, fax, etc. Once the data has been imported according to your business rules, Digital Designs’ output management tool (FormServer™) formats and merges data onto electronic forms, and can insert signatures, secure fonts, and barcodes.
FormServer™ is a laser printing solution which links traditional application output to electronic overlays, enabling companies to replace costly pre-printed forms with efficient laser forms.
FormServer™ reformats original application output, such as ERP data and IBM spool files, and merges it with electronic overlays, page segments, signatures, and logos to fit any generic form stock. These converted files are then sent to any designated local and/or remote printers. Printer load balancing is achieved by assigning multiple printer output queues. When the print job exceeds a threshold output volume, the pages are distributed evenly among multiple printers.
Why do you need it?
In all industries, the volume and complexity of unstructured data (email, electronic files, multimedia, XML and hundreds of other formats in addition to scanned documents) continue to multiply even as technologies like enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is deployed.
- Capture all types of content with ease from virtually any source
- Printer load balancing
- Intelligent dynamic form selection
- Departmental copy distribution with variable footers
- Copy-specific constant back for terms & conditions
- Copy masking capability
Prepare for Tomorrow, Today.
With cumbersome paper filing and computer-output-to-microfiche systems, random retrieval of something as important as an invoice could take an unacceptable amount of time in today’s fast-paced global economy.
Businesses are rapidly migrating systems to e-business for more responsive customer service and reduced operating costs.
Output Management can make mission-critical documents immediately accessible via any authorized Web browser on demand. Digital Designs can help make the process a simple, smooth transition.
A Passion for Service and Support.
Our passion begins with the consulting and sales process. We believe doing business should be easy. At Digital Designs we not only deliver the highest quality, most robust, and most manageable software solutions, but we also take great pride in our acclaimed customer service and support. Our Software Solution Specialists are on hand to provide timely answers to your questions and help you get the greatest value from your software investment.
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